Feature rich and easy to use.
Driver Solutions

Smartdriver App
Your drivers have access to SmartDriver, a state of the art app which allows them to handle bookings away from their vehicles. At the touch of a button SmartDriver will also respond to messages, access shift reports, and fill in the logbook.
- Receive job offers, and interact with them.
- Send and receive messages
- Navigate to the next job using the phone’s gps
- View the ‘End of Shift’ report
- Fill in the logbook
- View flight Information
- View future booking information

Duress Panic
SmartMove provides advanced driver duress and alarm features to help keep your drivers safe on the road.
When a driver is in duress, all cars can be alerted and the in-built GPS navigation will guide the drivers to the other taxis’ location..
With the optional SmartHub hardware, Android tablets or phones can be connected to a physical panic button that can be installed in the vehicle in a discreet location to allow your drivers to alert the systems they are in distress.
An SMS can also be sent to a nominated phone number in case there is no one at the base or no other cars are on the road.
SmartMove Track is a stand alone duress monitoring system. Check out the link for more information about using SmartMove Track.

Communication – Contact passenger anonymously
SmartMove delivers more ways to communicate. Drivers can connect with passengers directly in a number of ways including;
- The driver can call a special number which will connect the driver directly to the passengers phone. This is completely anonymous and the driver does not have access to the passengers phone number.
- The driver can send messages to the passenger using SmartHail or via SMS
Drivers can also contact the base using their Drivers App, request a call or respond to messages using their dispatch system.

End of Shift Report
The end of shift report is invaluable for managed vehicles and is available in the vehicle when logging out of the system at the end of a shift. This report summarises the total income received and calculates the driver’s share.
The end of shift report is also available to access on :
- SmartDriver app
- Fleet management website
- Driver website
- Can be printed from the car if a printer is available

Electronic Logbook
- Based on login/logout events
- Can add notes and record extra work
- Visible in vehicle, in driver app, by email or on printer
- Working hour limits can be enforced

Soft Meter
SmartMove Go has its own in-built meter. This meter is easily configured and is used in place of a stand-alone meter. It is also able to be used as a back-up for cars who experience issues with their stand-alone meter. Some cars use this meter just for trips outside of the normal operating area. The soft meter uses the cars GPS position to calculate the distance travelled.